2016 S2S Extremes Workshop
Workshop on Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Predictability of Extreme Weather and Climate
December 6-7, 2016
Monell Building
Columbia University at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Campus
61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964-8000
This workshop is intended for all in academia, government, and the private sector with an interest in understanding the latest science behind S2S predictability of extreme weather and climate, and in developing early warning products. Through a small set of invited talks, contributed posters, and discussion sessions the workshop will showcase the latest research on extremes using S2S models, and provide opportunities for networking and unstructured discussion.
Abstract Submission
Deadline: Extended to October 24, 2016
Contributed poster presentations are welcome on all aspects of S2S predictability, prediction and early warning product development related to extremes. Submissions are accepted via email: ude.aibmuloc.iri@semertxe.s2s.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Duane Waliser, JPL
Michael Tippett, Columbia
Gabriel Vecchi, GFDL
Frederic Vitart, ECMWF
Paul Roundy, SUNY Albany
Michael Ventrice, Weather.com
Arun Kumar, NCEP-CPC
Kathy Pegion, COLA
Hyemi Kim, SUNY Stony Brook
Charles Jones, UCSB
Michelle L’Heureux, NCEP-CPC
Erin Coughlan, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
Please RSVP here by October 24.
Organizing Committee
Andrew Robertson (Columbia University/S2S), Suzana Camargo (Columbia University), Adam Sobel (Columbia University), Frederic Vitart (ECMWF/S2S), Shugang Wang (Columbia University)