Affiliated Faculty
Many Columbia faculty from a broad range of schools, departments and units are engaged in research on Extreme Weather and Climate. Here we list individuals who are involved in some capacity in our work, categorized according to their Columbia affiliation.
Center on Global Energy Policy:
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN):
Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS):
Applied Physics and Applied Math (APAM):
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics:
Earth and Environmental Engineering:
Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology:
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research:
International Research Institute for Climate And Society (IRI):
- Anthony Barnston
- Katia Fernandes
- Alessandra Giannini
- Lisa Goddard
- Arthur Greene
- Bradfield Lyon
- Ben Orlove
- Daniel Osgood
- Andrew Robertson
- Jeffrey Shaman
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory:
- Michela Biasutti
- Suzana Camargo
- Mark Cane
- Benjamin Cook
- Peter deMenocal
- Arlene Fiore
- Naomi Henderson
- Michael Kaplan
- Yochanan Kushnir
- Chiara Lepore
- Frank Nitsche
- Lorenzo Polvani
- Michael Previdi
- Maureen Raymo
- Richard Seager
- Jason Smerdon
- Adam Sobel
- Colin Stark
- Mingfang Ting
- Christopher Zappa
Mailman School of Public Health:
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:
- Michael Bauer
- Susanne Bauer
- Benjamin Cook
- Anthony Del Genio
- Leonard Druyen
- Matthew Fulakeza
- Vivian Gornitz
- Timothy Hall
- Radley Horton
- Nancy Kiang
- Allegra LeGrande
- Elaine Matthews
- Ron Miller
- Dorothy Peteet
- Michael Puma
- Anastasia Romanou
- Joy Romanski
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- William Rossow
- Alexander Ruane
- Gary Russell
- Gavin Schmidt
- George Tselioudis
School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA):